Check out a MetroParks Family Nature Pack at Dayton Metro Library

Dayton Metro Library and Five Rivers MetroParks have partnered to create Family Nature Packs, which families can reserve at their local Dayton Metro Library branch!

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Family Nature Packs

Plants Nature Pack

How did those carrots get in the refrigerator? Probably from the grocery store, right? It is important for children to understand the concept of food source. It is even more important to include them in the process. If you don’t have an area in your yard to cultivate, you could start with a planter pot. With a few tiny seeds, water and sun, you can grow something together!

Gardening and cooking both teach children sequencing and order. These are important skills for your preschooler to have before Kindergarten. This skill benefits your child when learning to read because it helps with understanding the order of events and the structure of stories. Talk about the steps needed to grow plants. Guide your child as you garden together, asking questions as you go along. Gardening does require patience. Check on your garden and watch the excitement as your little one sees the first sprouts emerge.

Insect and Pollinator Nature Pack

Insects are everywhere. Some we tend to adore, like butterflies and ladybugs, while others can have a bad rep – like spiders. Bugs play a crucial role in the survival of humans. Help foster respect and admiration in your child regarding these little guys.

These stories are full of rich language and offer opportunities to build your child’s vocabulary. It is perfectly okay to stop reading and explain new words to your child. Provide them concrete, relatable, simple terms to explain new words instead of replacing them. Have your child mimic the bugs in Some Bugs, because making storytime interactive is always fun!

Geology Nature Pack

Children learn through sensory activities, and rocks can provide many opportunities for sensory play. Drawing letters and shapes in sand or walking on rocks in barefeet are activities that may seem simple, but  your child is gaining more than knowledge when they explore the outdoors. They are connecting to the earth, learning their limits, and building self-esteem.

Adding descriptive language when you interact with your child is beneficial. When your child says, “‘look at this rock,” you can repeat back while adding to the statement. “Yes, I see that rock. It looks very smooth. Let’s feel how smooth it is.” This shows that you are listening and expanding upon your child’s depth of knowledge regarding the physical properties of items.

Reserve your Five Rivers MetroParks Nature Pack online here!

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