10 Super Fun Road Trip Printable Activities for Kids

RoadTrip_CPSummer is here! And for your family that may mean it’s time to go road-trippin’! But, how in the world are you going to keep the kids occupied and quiet for hours in the car? Have no fear, we’ve got you covered! We’ve gathered some of the best and most fun car activities for kids!

Print them ALL and put them in a 3-ring binder, grab a box of crayons, a few pencils, and call yourself a winner!

Now, let’s pack the car, so we can get on the road!

10 Road Trip Printable Activities for Kids

License Plate iSpy game– Seriously, who didn’t love this game as a kid-traveler?

Restaurant iSpy– You may want to play this game after everyone has a full tummy! Otherwise, you’ll have some hungry kiddos!

Road Trip Pictionary– Get those drawing skills ready!

Road Trip Bingo– Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned game of bingo?

Travel Scavenger Hunt– Who will find all the objects first?

Road Trip Drawing Prompts– These are so fun! In fact, I may download them for myself!

Do-A-Dot Sheets– These are fun and do-a-dots keep your kids entertained for a long time, trust me!

Road Sign Bingo– I love how challenging these are! Perfect for those older kiddos!

Coloring Sheets– Yes! A few of these, a metal baking pan as a “desk” and a fresh box of crayons. Thank me later!

Map It– The possibilities are endless here! Learn states, symbols, locations, color your way through the states as you go…

Happy road-trip!

 Headshot_CPAbout Erica:

Erica is the blogger and writer behind the popular preschool blog, eLeMeNO-P Kids. She’s a wife, mom, and preschool teacher at the Countryside YMCA | Landen location right here in Cincinnati. Follow Erica’s preschool adventures on Facebook and Instagram

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