Genius Mom Idea: 2Placez

If you’ve ever joked about hiring a chauffeur to shuttle your kids to and from their various activities, you’re not alone! With back-to-school season upon us, many of us are in desperate need of a little help getting our kids around town. Local mom Diane Bradley felt the need for some help when her daughter started a competitive gymnastics league that practiced three times a week after school. “She got out of school at 3:30 p.m. and had to be at practice at 4. I live in Northern Cincinnati, but worked an 8-5 job in Northern Kentucky. I don’t have relatives in town, so how was I supposed to get my daughter from school to practice 3 days a week during my normal work day?” Finding herself in a pinch, Bradley came up with a total genius mom idea: 2Placez, a company to help busy parents.

2Placez is a kid/elder friendly on-demand transportation company. The company’s main mission is to take the stress out of what could be a very burdensome situation for busy families. Some of the most popular places 2Placez takes kids are to and from school and to various extra curricular activities around town.

Safety is top priority at 2Placez. All drivers submit to an electronic fingerprint scan that checks from criminal records at the county, state, and national level with the FBI. The company checks applicants’ driving records, verifies their social security number matches the name on their ID and inspects their vehicles annually by an Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified technician. Additionally, the company carries two insurance policies: the first for any issues involving the vehicle and a second for any driver misconduct.

Drivers are also selected by several criteria. They must have childcare experience, be over the age of 21 years old, posses a four-door vehicle that is 10 years old or younger, and have a Smartphone (parents get photo confirmation via text message once their child is picked up/dropped off!) The company has many drivers who are substitute teachers, school bus drivers, stay-at-home parents or currently working for other ride share companies.

One thing to note: there is not an age requirement for the passengers, but they do have to be able to legally ride without a booster seat or a car seat.  2Placez’s drivers do not have car seats or booster seats in their vehicle for passenger use.

If this sounds like a dream come true, head over to and get started by signing up for an account! You can easily download the 2Placez app in either Google Play or the App Store to book rides from your smartphone — or get more information by calling 1-888-539-7733.

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