How to Celebrate Easter at Home

Easter typically involves getting together with family and friends to share meals, treats and Easter eggs. 

It’s safe to say that celebrating Easter this year will be, errrr, different. But we don’t have to let social distancing and stay-at-home orders bring our spirits down! Here are some great ways to make this Easter holiday special anyway!


Check out these ideas on how to celebrate easter at home: 

Easter Egg Hunts
  • Indoors or Outdoors
  • Glow in the Dark
  • Plastic Candy-Filled Eggs
  • Dyed Hard Boiled Eggs
However you do it – you can do it even BIGGER this year in the comfort of your own home or yard and get CREATIVE!
Spread the Love

Although we can’t spend time with our loved ones this Easter, we can still show them how much we care. Consider “EGGing” a family member or neighbor by sprinkling treat filled eggs all over their yard. Leave a note on the porch to claim your craftiness or leave it anonymous. This is a great way to show you care while keeping a safe social distance!

Need some inspiration? Check out this great blog post!




Support Local Business

Bellbrook Chocolate has the best chocolate bunny in town with an award to prove it! To assist families in filling their Easter baskets this year, the local confectioner is offering shipping, delivery and curbside pick up options! Visit their website for more information on placing your order before the bunny hops out of town!

Bellbrook Chocolate
Virtual Church Services

If your family is accustomed to attending a local church service on Easter Sunday, consider tuning in to a virtual service! Many local churches have already been utilizing this technology to reach local families every Sunday! Check with your local church to see if they are offering an Easter Service via the web this year.

Neighborhood Easter Egg Window Hunt

Maybe you are familiar with the Teddy Bear Scavenger Hunt concept that has been taking place in local neighborhoods? Families have been placing stuffed animals, large and small, in their house windows in order for local kids to find them while walking around the neighborhood. Some communities are now using a similar concept but instead of stuffed animals, they will be placing large Easter egg Cut Outs in their windows for a neighborhood (social-distance approved) Easter egg Hunt! Now is the time to connect with your neighbors to see if they could coordinate something similar for the kiddos on your block!

Create a Magical Easter Bunny Trail on your Sidewalk or Driveway

Add some extra magic to Easter morning for your kids with an Easter Bunny Trail. If your kiddos love to see a big bite taken out of the cookies left for Santa and half of the milk slurped – then they will LOVE to see evidence that the Easter Bunny has been to their house. Inspiration can be found at the link here!

Make an Easter Craft 

Shaving Cream Marbled Paper Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Painted Rocks

Peep Painting: This would be a fun Easter-gram to send to grandparents!

Custom Toddler Artwork

Make a Festive Easter Treat

Jelly Bean Bracelet

Order a Bunny Cookie Cutter for Easter Treats: Like this one!

Easter Bunny Pancakes



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