A 65-million-year-old triceratops skull is now being restored at CMC!
But it’s not on display yet; it’s in the process of being cleaned and prepped for exhibition.
This week, CMC paleontologists began work restoring the 65-million-year-old triceratops skull. Discovered out West by Dr. Glenn Storrs, CMC’s Curator of Paleontology, and his team a few years ago, you can now see this skull being worked on from the viewing area outside CMC’s Paleontology Lab!
Did you know Cincinnati Museum Center has a working Paleontology Lab? It’s located down the ramp from the Dino Hall. The triceratops skull is now front-and-center in this active exhibit, which will likely be up for viewing for quite some time.
This new exhibit gives museum guests a look at the restoration project in action — you can see paleontologists working to clean, restore, glue and more. Once the skull’s restoration is complete, it could go on display in Dinosaur Hall, or head back to the Geier Research Center to study.
You don’t have to be a paleontologist to enjoy the Dinosaur Gallery. The new exhibit epitomizes what the Cincinnati Museum Center does best, which is opening up the world in an exciting and accessible way. Kids will love getting an up-close look at the action in this dynamic, boundary-breaking new exhibit.