Bark in the Park

Did you know that Thursday, September 21st (next week) is the last Bark in the Park at GABP? If you have a dog that loves to get out and explore with you, then you’ve got to bring Fido to a Reds game!

I had a few concerns going into it but I’m happy to report that everything went smoothly! Here’s my inside scoop to satisfy your curiosity and put your mind at ease:

What if my dog doesn’t behave? Can all the dogs get along, especially in the close quarters of the seats? Yes! We saw probably 100 different dogs and they all behaved perfectly! You pay $20 for a seat for your furry friend, so they have room to either stand/sit in front of their seat, or sit in their seat or on your lap. On such a chilly night, many were cuddled up with their owners. Many watched the evening’s activities, some napped and only one barked off and on (a hound).

Is the entire ballpark full of dogs? No, not even close. They reserve one section along 1st base/right field for dogs. And for those that may not care to share the park with dogs, it’s a well orchestrated event. Dogs and their owners enter along the river side of the park, where you sign a form saying your dog is up-to-date on shots and go through a security checkpoint. Your section is right there and you exit the same way.

Will my dog be able to sit there for an entire game? Thanks to the pre-game dog parade on the field and all the excitement in the air, most dogs seem pretty content to hang out in the seats during the game.

And the question at the forefront of everyone’s mind: What if my dog has to go to the bathroom? GABP has obviously been doing this awhile; they seem to have thought of everything. There is patch of grass or turf just inside the dog entrance so it’s easy enough to make a potty stop on the way in and way out. And you’re welcome to use it during the game. I especially loved how there was an attendant, who handed out bags and kept the area tidy.

I have a male dog; will he be marking everything? No, if he’s like mine. My dog loves to mark on our neighborhood walks so I was most worried about this, but he didn’t do it at all!

Ok, count me in! What should I bring? Tight-fitting collar, leash, bottled water (store bought and unopened), collapsible water bowl, poo bags, a few treats (unless you plan on sharing yours!) and your dog’s spirit wear. Yes, you’ll see it all — from simple bandanas to dog jerseys to tutus and giant poodles dyed red!

Play ball!

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