Best places to see spring blooms in Cincinnati

It’s spring and Cincinnati is coming to life. Despite feeling like life is on pause while we protect ourselves from COVID-19, life goes on — in the most wonderful way. From delightful daffodils to cascading cherry trees, spring’s blossoming blooms offer a bit of sunshine in uncertain times.

Getting outdoors can boost your mood and improve your mental health. Get out and enjoy — here are the best places to see spring blooms in Cincinnati:

Magnolias – Eden Park

At the corner of Eden Park Drive and Martin Drive, across from the Krohn Conservatory, is the Hinkle Gazebo and Magnolia Garden. Early April is peak bloom time for the magnolia trees — don’t miss this once-a-year spectacle. (If you want to catch even more flowers, you can walk up the street to Mirror Lake, where you’ll be treated to the flowering rosebud and cherry trees that line the lake.)

Cherry Trees – Ault Park

Cherry blossoms are perhaps the most joyous celebration of spring; their delicate pink and white flowers are captivating. In Cincinnati, there are two groves of cherry trees in Ault Park. The Kwanzan Cherry tree grove is on the hillside slopes along Observatory Drive near the intersection of East Observatory Hill. The Japanese Cherry blossom tree grove is located at the park intersection of Observatory Avenue and Ault Park Drive. These trees bloom in late March through April.

Daffodils & Tulips – Smale Riverfront Park

The flowers at Smale Riverfront Park are a living work of art. Right now at Smale Riverfront Park you’ll see daffodils, crocuses and Virginia bluebells. Tulips are beginning to open, along with hyacinths and other wildflowers. Take a stroll through the park and watch the flowerbeds explode with a brilliant display of colors.

Wildflowers – California Woods Nature Preserve

Located in California Woods Nature Preserve, the Trillium Trail offers a chance to see a multitude of wildflowers. Now through late April, you can find yellow trout lilies, Dutchman’s breeches, spring beauty and trillium.

Spring Ephemerals – Cincinnati Nature Center

While the Cincinnati Nature Center is now closed through April 6, thanks to modern technology, you can still enjoy the spring blooms. Check the Cincinnati Nature Center’s Facebook page for their virtual wildflower hikes and talks.

Two of our favorite spots for spring blooms — the Cincinnati Zoo and Krohn Conservatory — are currently closed until further notice. Please check this page for updates on when these attractions will reopen.

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