Calling All Dads

On my blog this December I’d like to have some other dads share parenting stories of their own. So, if your a crusty old experienced dad, a newbie, or getting ready to be a first time dad, I’d love to hear from you.

I would love to hear from all dads out there, especially:

Stay at home dads

Dads that work and their wifes stays home

Dads of two working parent households

Dads that use to stay at home then went back to work

Single dads

Deadbeat dads (just kidding)

Military dads

First time dads

Dads with step children

Dads of grown kids


You get the idea, any variation of being dad will work.

Like my blog, the stories can be short or long, simple or complex and littered with grammatical errors, I’m ok with that.

Just about any parenting topic that you want to write about will be allowed. Since I would like to run these during the month of December, I’m hoping a majority of the posts will talk about a positive aspect of being a dad. If you want to write about how much you can’t stand being a dad, well I guess that’s ok too, but it might be a bit of a downer on my blog.

You can write using your name or anonymously and can include a picture or not, it’s totally up to you.

You will be paid with bear hugs and high fives.

If you know of any other dads out there that might like to do this, feel free to share with them as well.

If you are up for something like this, or if you have any questions, please leave me a Facebook message or send me an email [email protected]



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