Celebrating the End of the School Year Finish Line

What lies beyond these blue streamers? Three months of summer vacation!

How can you celebrate this special time of year?

1. Create an end of the school year finish line for the last day of school. The best part? It’s cheap and fast. All you need is a roll of streamers and an hour to execute. Or a roll of butcher paper for a more challenging barrier to run through. I used trees as posts but a lamp post or front porch columns would work great, too.

2. Hang streamers or a few balloons on the front porch or place a banner on the front door.

3. Plan a small party for a few friends in the neighborhood.

4. Head straight to park, pool or ice cream shop.

5. Celebrate the first night of staying up late with an outdoor movie night or campout in the yard.

6. Make a summer wish list of all the things you want to do as a family.

7. Snap a portrait.

8. While recent events are still fresh, capture a few memories of the past year by holding an “end of school year interview”.

Whatever you do, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate the moment and all that lies ahead!

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