Easter Egg Stuffers: Beyond Candy

Looking for something more than the traditional candy to put in your plastic Easter eggs this year?

Here are some fresh ideas:

1. Gummies

2. Cool band-aids

3. Stamps (for long-distance family)

4. Stickers

5. Puzzle pieces

6. Chapstick

7. Barrettes and pony tail holders

8. Army men

9. Marbles

10. Earrings

11. Rings

12. Necklaces

13. Nail polish

14. Silly putty/slime

15. Coupons

16. Gift cards or gift certificates

17. Magic Grow Toys

18. Rubber balls

19. Play dough

20. Grapes

21. Blueberries

22. Temporary tattoos

23. Gems and rocks

24. Toy cars, bugs, dinosaurs

25. Cash/coins

26. Whistle

27. Small snacks such as Teddy Grahams or Goldfish

28. Bubbles

29. Balloons

30. Silly Bandz

31. Sidewalk chalk

32. Crayons, small pencils

33. Erasers

34. Rainbow Loom rubber bands

35. Tokens for arcade games

36. Tiny marshmallows

It’s time to get stuffing! Enjoy your Easter weekend!




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