Yesterday, Governor DeWine announced that Ohio would be under a ‘stay at home’ order, effective through 11:59 pm on April 6. This is a drastic measure to limit the spread of COVID-19 and ultimately keep everyone safe.
Wondering what this means? Here’s everything you need to know about Ohio’s ‘Stay at Home’ Order:
All places of public amusement are closed, and any gathering of 10 or more is prohibited unless it is part of an “essential business.”
Ohio considers health care and public health operations, human services operations, essential governmental functions and certain infrastructure essential businesses, including:
- Stores that sell groceries and medicine;
- Food and beverage production and agriculture;
- Businesses that care for animals, like animal shelters and rescues;
- Organizations that provide charitable and social services;
- Religious entities, including wedding and funerals;
- Media;
- Gas stations and transportation-associated businesses;
- Financial and insurance institutions (most banks have moved to drive-thru only);
- Hardware and supply stores;
- Critical trades (plumbers, electricians, HVAC, janitorial staff, painters, movers);
- Mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery, pick-up;
- Educational institutions (this does not change previous school closure orders);
- Laundry services;
- Restaurants for consumption off-premises (carry-out, drive-thru and curbside pick-up);
- Supplies to work from home and supplies for essential business operations;
- Transportation (airlines, taxis, Uber/Lyft);
- Home-based care and services;
- Residential facilities and shelters;
- Professional services (lawyers, accountants, real estate agents);
- Places that manufacture, distribute and supply critical products and industries;
- Critical labor union functions;
- Hotels and motels;
- Funeral services.
All people at the essential businesses must comply with social distancing requirements.
If you need to leave your home, you can leave for the following reasons:
- For health and safety
- For necessary supplies and services
- For outdoor activity (such as exercise)
- For certain types of work deemed “essential” (see above)
- To take care of others