2024 Fall Fun Promotion

Cost: $345
What will you receive?
  • *Business listing in the October issue of Southwest Ohio Parent. The listing will include a business name, address, an image or logo, plus a 100-word description. CLICK HERE to see an example.
  • *Listing in “Southwest Ohio Fall Fun” multi-advertiser blast to be sent out September 24, 2024. The listing will include a 50-word description, image and contact information. CLICK HERE to view an example of a multi-advertiser blast.
  • *Included in the “Southwest Ohio Fall Fun” online article. CLICK HERE to view an example of a multi-advertiser online article.
What is it?

Fall is an exciting time around Southwest Ohio with tons of options for fall fun. We are offering a very special Fall Fun promo to our advertisers that includes both print and digital media at an affordable rate.

Who will you reach?

Between the print and digital components, your ad will reach a wide range of parents in the Southwest Ohio area. With the use of digital ads, we are able to guarantee a minimum of 100,000 impressions from our target audience on the digital article.

Print: Our print magazine is distributed to family-friendly locations throughout the Cincinnati and Dayton areas, including public libraries, major museums and hospitals, YMCAs, public and private schools, grocery stores, recreation centers, MANY local family attractions and more.

Email: The eBlast will be sent to our 16,000 email subscribers.

Digital Article: The article will also be posted to ohParent.com and shared with our 35,000+ Facebook fans via a boosted post. To guarantee good results, Southwest Ohio Parent will also invest in targeted Facebook and Google ads to ensure that the article receives great traffic and engagement.

  • Business Information

    This information will be used for our business records.

  • Listing Information

    Please fill out this section as you would like it to appear in print and online.
  • *If different from above

  • Descriptions will be edited if they go over the 100-word max.

  • Upload a high resolution image. All images will be cropped to fit a horizontal space (3:2 ratio). Please feel free to upload more than one image. We will then choose the image we think will work best. If you have any trouble uploading your image, please email it directly to Wendy Hasser.

    **You may upload multiple images and we will choose the one that works best.

    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Billing & Credit Card Information

      We must have your credit card information on file to participate in this promotion.