Cost: $295 Print & Digital
What will you receive?
Print Listing
- Business listing in the Giving the Gift of Experience guide in the December issue of Southwest Ohio Parent. The listing will include a business name, address, an image or logo, plus a 50-word description. CLICK HERE to see an example.
Digital Listing
- Included in the “Gift Guide to Local Classes & Experiences” online article. CLICK HERE to view an example of the online art
- Multi-advertiser eBlast to be sent out on November 28. CLICK HERE to view an example of a multi-advertiser blast
Who will you reach?
The eBlast will be sent to our 18,500 subscribers PLUS it will be featured on our website and will be boosted to our 34,000+ Facebook followers. Southwest Ohio Parent will also invest in targeted Facebook ads to guarantee good results to ensure that the article receives great traffic and engagement.