A couple of Fridays ago, we were visiting Amanda’s dad. He had surgery the day before and we went to his house to see if there was any way we could help.
As I was upstairs putting Maggie down for a nap I heard a loud thud. Henry bumped into a glass topped end table, which caused the top to fall and land on his big toe. In an instant we went from the people that were there to help a situation to the people needing help.
Initially we thought about taking him to the ER, but decided to ice it, and keep Henry off his feet. All weekend long Henry hobbled around the house, walking on the side of his foot. His foot was not improving on its own.
Monday we went to the Pediatrician, she sent us to X-ray, back to the Pediatrician, finally to a Pediatric Orthopedic specialist.
The doctor said Henry had a fractured big toe and put him in a “walking boot.”
I expected the boot to slow Henry down, but I was wrong. I thought about writing the manufacturer of the boot, telling them to reconsider the term “walking boot.” My son proved you can clearly run full speed while wearing a walking boot.
I’m sure the boot helped him heal, but it also made him more dangerous than ever. Within a day of having the boot, Henry stepped on my foot, splitting my toenail into three pieces. Later that day he rolled over on the floor and (accidentally) kicked me so hard in the shin, it felt like I’d been hit with a hammer.
The other day, at a local park, my wife caught Henry following bigger kids up a tree. He was climbing a tree in his walking boot! Maybe he thought the boot gave him superpowers?
Two weeks have passed, the walking boot is no longer needed. Henry’s foot finally healed. Hopefully my toe and shin will soon be fully healed as well.
Happy Parenting!