Local Spotlight: Cincinnati Museum Center Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio

A kitchen is so much more than a place to prepare food. New to Cincinnati Museum Center is the Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio, a versatile programming space featuring the Kroger Food Lab, with multiple cooking stations, including ovens and ranges.

Southwest Ohio Parent spoke to Cody Hefner, vice president of marketing & communications for the Cincinnati Museum Center, to learn more about this culinary space.

What inspired the Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio?

The idea started as a food science lab, but evolved into a vision of a versatile space where food, science, history and community can come together. The museum is already a place where science, history and early childhood development converge, so we decided to put a food lens around that.

How can museum visitors use the studio?

We’re developing programming for the space that will allow 20 to 30 people — kids and adults — to chop, whisk, bake and sauté their way through classic and experimental recipes, while also diving into the science and history behind them. Our first programs are available now, with more on the way in spring 2024.

We’re also planning week-long Museum Camps this summer. We tested them last year and had an amazing response. Kids 10, 11 and 12 years old made their own sushi, pasta and alfredo from scratch, and baked and decorated cakes. It was incredible. You’ll also see mini demonstrations pop up in museum spaces through a cart program, and we’re having a lot of fun incorporating the Cr(eat)e Culinary Studio into theme days and events.

Will you be working with local chefs and industry experts?

We’ve engaged a range of partners and are continuing to do so as we build out programs, demonstrations and other learning opportunities. For example, we’ve partnered with nonprofit LaSoupe Cincinnati on some research and program development, as well as the University of Cincinnati.

How can people support the Cincinnati Museum Center and the studio?

Come cook with us! We’re developing more and more programs and are excited to launch our spring schedule soon, as well as the opportunities for our Museum Camps this summer.

And think more about your food at home. Where does it come from? What recipes can you pass on? What tweaks can you make to be your own culinary mad scientist?

Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio Upcoming Events

Science by the Bite: Homeschool Cooking Club for ages 7 to 14
French Toast & Compote: December 7
Mac and Cheese: January 18
Muffin Mix-up: January 25

Junior Chefs: Parents & Children Cooking Together
Cake and Ice Cream: January 13
Amazing Alfredo: January 20

Learn more about upcoming programs and register online at cincymuseum.org/create-culinary-studio.

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