National Ice Cream Day

Did you know that this Sunday is National Ice Cream Day?

This sweet, summery, All-American holiday was created by none other than Ronald “Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, back in 1984. As a self-proclaimed ice cream lover, Mr. “Reagan said:

“Ice cream is a nutritious and wholesome food, enjoyed by over ninety percent of the people in the United States. It enjoys a reputation as the perfect dessert and snack food. Over eight hundred and eighty-seven million gallons of ice cream were consumed in the United States in 1983.

The ice cream industry generates approximately $3.5 billion in annual sales and provides jobs for thousands of citizens. Indeed, nearly ten percent of all the milk produced by the United States dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream, thereby contributing substantially to the economic well-being of the Nation’s dairy industry.”

It may sound silly, but this proclamation was a much-appreciated gesture back in 1984. The Cold War had just ended, the economy was just emerging from a recession, and morale was low. Reagen recognized the positive impact ice cream had on the U.S. dairy industry and job force.

A few fun facts:

  1. Ice cream seems to be a presidential favorite:
    • -Records show that George Washington is spent $200 on ice cream in the summer of 1790 — the equivalent of $3,000 today!
    • -Both James Madison and Abraham Lincoln had ice cream at their inaugural dinners
    • -Current President Barack Obama had his own, special-edition Ben & Jerry’s flavor (“Yes Pecan”), in honor of his inauguration in 2009.
  2. American’s favorite flavor? Vanilla. (Curious where your fave rates? Here’s a list of the top 15)
  3. Lactose intolerant? Vegan? No problem — today, you can buy ice cream made with soy, almond, cashew or coconut milk!
  4. Experts recommend that you remove your ice cream from the freezer and put it in the fridge for 15 minutes before scooping. This helps temper the product throughout and makes it much easier to serve. A scoop or spoon dipped in warm water also helps!
  5. Did you know you can join an ice cream of the month club? Or have your favorites shipped to you?

In honor of this holiday, consider hitting up one of Cincinnati’s local ice cream institutions, like Graeter’s, Aglamesis or UDF!

In fact, in honor of its 145th anniversary, Graeter’s is selling single-scoop cones of its famous, French-pot ice cream for just $1.45!

ice cream body

If you’re up for a little adventure, head up to Young’s Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs (just outside Dayton). There, you’ll get to meet the cows, see the processes, and taste the freshest homemade ice cream around! This week’s special flavor is a classic: creamy, milky-smooth chocolate!

So make sure you put ice cream on your to-do list this Sunday. It’s the American thing to do, after all.

Source: 1.U.S. Government Publishing Office.

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