There are many ways to “go green” and shopping and selling at Once Upon a Child is one of them!
When you sell your gently used kids’ clothes, shoes and toys you’re also saving these items from the landfill and giving them new life for another kiddo to enjoy. To celebrate Earth Day this month, Once Upon a Child is rewarding you all month with DOUBLE REWARD POINTS every time you sell in April! This means instead of getting 1 point for every $10 you sell, you get 2 points for every $10 you sell. And you can get the kids involved! Shopping and selling at Once Upon a Child is a great way to teach kids about sustainability – have them help you sort through the toys, clothes and shoes they have outgrown. By selling these items to Once Upon a Child you’re saving them from the landfill, keeping them in the community, and earning cash.
Show the planet a little love this month and sell what your kids have outgrown to Once Upon a Child, rack up those points and rack up those discounts! Once Upon a Child is open and buying 7 days a week, no appointment needed.