Pet Patch Up at the Cincinnati Museum Center!

The Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) and Banfield® Pet Hospital have teamed up to bring a new to creat a program that makes science live, breathe and wag its tail. Banfield Pet Academy® gives kids a chance to meet some furry new friends and learn care tips from real veterinarians. This May, bring your kids’ well-loved stuffed animal friends for a Pet Patch Up at the Cincinnati Museum Center!

In celebration of National Pet Month, Banfield and CMC will host a Pet Patch-Up event on Saturday, May 6 from 11 a.m. to noon. Kids are invited to bring their well-loved and worn pets for a checkup and “patch-up” by a Banfield veterinary team. Leg dangling by a thread? Stuffing hanging out of the belly? They’ll patch it up and send them home to recover.

Banfield’s partnership is an opportunity for CMC to share veterinary experts with the community. At Banfield Pet Academy sessions, children can spend an hour giving therapy dogs checkups and belly rubs and asking a veterinarian all of their burning questions: Why do dogs chase their tails? Why do cats have such rough tongues? Can my dog understand what I’m saying? Why do cats get hairballs?

If you can’t make it to the May event, not to worry: CMC and Banfield will host Pet Academy programs from 11 a.m. to noon on May 20, June 18, July 16, October 7 and November 11.

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