I had very low expectations going to the two year old story time at the library. I thought there would maybe be one or two other children and a parent volunteer reading a book aloud to the kids.
Instead, we were greeted by the children’s librarian and sent to a private room filled with small children and parents. I took a quick head count once story time started, there were twelve moms and dads and over 20 kids.
The theme for the week was Earth Day. The librarian led the kids through songs while teaching the kids how to use sign language. She read aloud books, taught the kids specific vocabulary words that went along with the stories and had a neat project for the kids to do at the end. The kids used contact paper, tissue paper and scissors to make their own planet Earth.
All the kids and parents had a great time.
If you are ever looking for something to do with your kids on a Thursday morning, I recommend story time at the College Avenue branch of the Marion County Public Library System.
Happy Parenting!