Taft Historic House’s 200th Birthday

This year marks the Taft historic house’s 200th birthday! To celebrate, the Taft Museum of Art is offering virtual tours—perfect for all ages—of its bicentennial exhibition, A Splendid Century | Cincinnati Art: 1820-1920 Wednesdays at noon!


Join the Taft to discover paintings and sculptures by beloved Cincinnati artists Hiram Powers, Robert S. Duncanson, Elizabeth Nourse, Frank Duveneck, Henry Farny, Dixie Selden and others, as well as ceramics from Rookwood Pottery, creating a picture of the city’s visual culture from the 1820s through the 1920s—the Golden Age of art in the Queen City.
To learn more and reserve your spot, visit https://www.taftmuseum.org/exhibitions/splendid-century. #TaftHouse200 #TaftMuseumDiscovered

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