General Parenting

Accidental Poisoning

More than 90 percent of poisonings happen at home, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The American Association of Poison...

Confidence in Me

Lately around my house there’s been a lot of “The Sound of Music” playing. It began with William, our four-year-old, who learned “Do-Re-Mi” at...

Growing Healthy Families: When Children Lie

When children lie, what is it really about? Lying in children is common, particularly in school-aged children. While chronic forms of lying may indicate a...

Five Ways to Raise a Gentleman

I want nothing more than for my five-year-old boy to grow up to be a gentleman. (Of course, I know he’s watching my every...

Bad Sports

An eleven year-old batter steps up to the plate. He swings and misses at the first two pitches. The third pitch looks low and...

Celebrating Earth Day

While the environment remains an important topic year round, Earth Day is a particularly good time to focus on your family's role in creating...

Safe Discipline Strategies

April is National Child Abuse Awareness month. Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the U.S., which can...

Ask the Teacher

My daughter has several friends whose parents have hired tutors. Some concepts seem tough for my child at school, but I have never thought...

Creating a Healthy Media Diet for Young Children

As modern parents who rely on our cell phones and laptops to function day to day, we all feel that sense of dread when...


Ijust don't feel like going- 15-year-old Ella insists as she slams her bedroom door. "Maybe next time. I need to check my email." Teenagers will...

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