Hannah’s Treasure Chest in Dayton was created to respond to the needs of the community. It provides social service agencies in Montgomery, Butler, Greene...
The Freestore Foodbank’s mission is to create a hunger-free, healthy and thriving community by partnering with the community to improve lives by eliminating hunger....
Boys Hope Girls Hope Cincinnati is a life-changing program for underprivileged children who demonstrate academic capability and motivation. Housed in one of three safe...
Aquaponics combines fish and plants in a closed and soil-less ecosystem to grow produce. If you combine aquaponic farming with employment opportunities for adults...
Founded in 2012, WordPlay Cincy provides free programs to young people that blend the literary, visual and performing arts with personal discovery, community-building and...
Heritage Village Museum is one of Ohio’s most unique hidden gems. It's a well-preserved glimpse into the state’s rich history and heritage, just waiting to be explored.