It’s my blog’s one year anniversary! I was thinking I should have some cake, not to celebrate, but just because I’m always up for some cake. Some people in the blog world call it their “blogiversarry,” so I guess it’s that too. Ironically, a first anniversary gift is supposed to be inspired by paper and blogs are digital. Anyway, I though it would be fun to look back at some of my old blog posts to see what I’d written (and forgotten) about.
For those of you that just started following my page, maybe you’ll see something that interests you and you’ll want to take a look at. To those of you that have been reading since the beginning, thanks a million! Maybe you will end up rereading some of my older stuff, for the same reason I read old magazines in the john, and the same reason Edmund Hillary climbed Everest, because it’s there.
So come with me, won’t you? Step into the way back machine of early 2012, before Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair, when Lance was still considered a hero, and Twinkees weren’t going out of business…
My introductory post was just that. A blog introducing myself explaining a little about my background as a teacher and my new role as stay at home dad (SAHD). If you never read this one and want to know what my family and I are all about, here it is
Some other early posts talk about life in the trenches of being a SAHD, flaming fish sticks ( and making up new words like Birdcaging, Kindergarteneritis, and Lactavalanches (
Personally, it was quite a year, I was called an “Ass Dad.” I ran a marathon, with help from essentially everyone I know, and wrote a letter to my 18-year-old self
My son was the center of several blogs, one of them being my failed attempts to get him to pee in a bag, his gymnastics class, and the day he became potty trained
There were some milestones too, my oldest daughter learned to ride a bike without training wheels, lost her first tooth and I took her to her first NFL game where she asked one of my favorite questions ever (hint: It’s the title of the blog post.)
My wife makes several appearances in the blog as well. Once starring as a breastfeeding superhero and also writing a couple of posts here and there. She recently wrote about our move from the city to the suburbs My favorite post of hers has to be her rules of parenting titled Rule Number One There’s also the story of her appendectomy while pregnant
Don’t worry I didn’t forget about our youngest daughter. Recently I went inside the mind of a one-year-old
December was full of guest posts by other dads out there. There were a lot of great stories and I really appreciated all the dads that took their time to share their stories. There are too many to link, but they are well worth going back and reading.
Some of my other favorites include:
A couple of posts about our house, Our house is a lot like a college bar and Distressed
Our household visit from the supernatural, The Ghost Pooper (
The different personality types of youth soccer (
The value on being a stay at home parent (,
Why we use cloth diapers
Our failed attempt at a real Christmas tree
Thanks for reading! It’s been a lot of fun for me to look back at the past year. I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed it too. Cheers to another year of telling stories! Happy Parenting!