The Ultimate Guide to Story Times in Cincinnati

As a parent of young kids, story time is a regular part of the weekly routine. What’s better than cozying up with your kid on your lap, and listening to a hand-plucked lineup of children’s classics? It’s a great opportunity to get out of the house, meet other parents and have someone else do the work (and silly voices). Plus, story time is almost always free! So shake up your routine by attending a new story time this week.

We present to you the Ultimate Guide to Story Times in Cincinnati:

Barnes and Noble

Boone County Public Library

6 branches with a huge variety of weekly story times and kids events.

Campbell County Public Library

Three branches in N. KY host a variety of weekly story times.

Cincinnati Art Museum REC Reads

Bring your toddler or preschooler to the Rosenthal Education Center for a morning of art-themed story books, songs, and sensory activities. This free, 30-minute program will get your little one excited about art in a fun and interactive way. 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Cincinnati Museum Center

Songs and Stories is held at 10:30 a.m. every Thursday and Sunday. Play, dance, sing and listen to a new story each week! (Membership/Museum tickets are required.) 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203

Cincinnati Parks

Don’t miss out on the various events held throughout the year, often with the library!

Clermont County Public Library

10 branches in Clermont County mean lots of story times from which to choose.

Nature-themed story time at The Sharon Center.
Nature-themed story time at The Sharon Center.

Great Parks of Hamilton County

Free story times are held weekly at various Great Parks locations. (A 2025 Motor Vehicle Permit required for park admission.)


  • Cincinnati: Story times on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 am. If you’re out and about on the weekend, don’t miss the Saturday morning story time at 11 am!
  • Crestview Hills: Story times on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:30 am.

Kenton County Public Library

KCPL offers more than 25 weekly storytimes for children ages 5 and younger, plus weekly activities for older children and offer special programs for struggling readers including Puppy Tales, Reading Buddies and new this summer Horse Tales (reading to a horse). A storytime for children with sensory issues is also offered!

King Arthur’s Court Toys

This local gem hosts a FREE story time Tuesdays at 11 am. Stay afterwards and play in the store’s fabulous, Medieval-themed indoor play place, The Dungeon!

MidPointe Library

If you’re closer to Butler County, MidPointe Library boasts five branches with a variety of weekly story times and events. While you’re at Liberty Center, be sure to visit the MidPointe Library Liberty Branch!

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

Story times held six days a week (Monday-Saturday) at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County’s 40 branches.


"><a href="" rel="tag">Sarah McCosham</a>
Midwest Parenting Publications published Cincinnati Parent for over 35 years and Dayton Parent for over 7 years. In 2021, the two merged to become Southwest Ohio Parent, expanding our reach into the growing Southwest Ohio market. At SW Ohio Parent, we proudly serve as the top parenting resource magazine and website for Cincinnati, Dayton, and the surrounding communities. Every day, we strive to deliver exactly what our readers need and are 100% dedicated to providing parents with the most trusted resources to find local events for every day of the week, community service organizations, and businesses that cater to the family market.

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