NICU Awareness from Kettering Health

Giving birth involves every aspect of parents’ lives: their emotions, their minds, their hopes and dreams, their stamina, and, of course, their bodies. It...

Free Summer Festivals at RiverScape are back in May!

Five Rivers MetroParks kicks off festival season this May, along with expanded free fitness opportunities and special events at RiverScape MetroPark, 237 E. Monument Ave. in...

9 Places Around SW Ohio to Take Your Baby

Packing up all the gear necessary to spend an afternoon out of the house with a baby can be an ordeal. But sometimes you’ve...

A Certified Lactation Consultant’s Top Tips for Breastfeeding Success

There are many reasons why breastfeeding is the ideal choice for most moms and babies, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends...

Kettering Health Helps Spark Imagination of Local Kids with Free Books

If you’re expecting a baby or are a new parent, you may have received books at a baby shower or your little one’s first...

What to expect for an annual OB-GYN exam?

When should you start seeing your OB-GYN for an annual exam, or a well-woman visit?  Experts say you should begin seeing an OB-GYN once you’ve...

Weekend Round Up Around Cincinnati and Dayton

From Cavalcade of Customs at Duke Energy Center to Funk Night at the RiverScape Ice Rink, Cincinnati and Dayton are full of family fun...

Navigating the NICU journey

Until it happens to you, you can’t really understand what it’s like to be the parent of a baby in the neonatal intensive care...

Out With the Old, In With the New

A new year is a blank slate. The perfect chance to make a change. Maybe you want to stop scrolling through your phone before...

When You Might Need a Mammogram Before 40

The American College of Radiology advises that women who have an average risk of developing breast cancer begin screening mammograms at age 40. However,...

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